Global Neuropsychological Assessment (GNA). This project involves translating a set of mental tests into as many languages as possible and collecting reference (normative) data in as many countries as possible. The GNA can be used for children and adults. It does not require literacy or writing. We are translating the GNA and collecting reference data for its use by clinicians and researchers. The GNA has five alternate forms, making it useful for repeated testing. We provide free access to test forms and scoring to collaborators who contribute to this project.


International Neuropsychological Normative Database Initiative or INNDI. This project compiles previously published normative data collected by researchers from around the world for such cognitive tests as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Digit Span, Animal Naming, Clock Drawing, Trail Making, and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning tests.

Both projects

GNA and INNDI both aim to develop global regression-based norms for cognitive tests. They enable the user to compare a test-taker’s performance to healthy persons who are the same age, sex, educational background, and nationality who are tested in the same language. Such norms increase the precision of mental measurement and enable researchers to conduct multinational investigations of how a disease, injury, treatment, and other factors affect cognitive performance.

GNI Team

Board of Directors


David J. Schretlen, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Radiology
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland USA


Christina M. Figueroa, PhD
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Arizona Neurology Associates
Sun City, Arizona USA


Ralph H.B. Benedict, PhD
Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Psychology
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
University at Buffalo School Buffalo, New York USA

Current Science Advisors

Mehak Mohindru, MS
Research Assistant
Toronto, Canada

Lindsay Morra, PhD
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Baltimore, Maryland USA

Emily Duggan, PhD
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Baltimore, Maryland USA

Jeremy M. Raines, MS
Doctoral Candidate
Grand Forks, North Dakota USA 

Lauren T. Olsen, MA
Doctoral Candidate
St. Louis, Missouri USA 


Christopher Cranston, PhD
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Baltimore, Maryland USA


Ashley Raines
Software Engineer
Middletown, Virginia USA